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The iPhone X is basically Samsung's Note 8 plus Animojis

60 seconds with Samsung's Galaxy Note 8

Apple's iphone event

The Apple iPhone X was announced today, and I really don't care.

Samsung's Galaxy Note 8 has been stunning me with its capabilities every day for the past two weeks, and instead of jumping on the endless treadmill of searching for the perfect device, this Note 8 is it. You won't find a more capable smartphone, and it is clearly my pick for the current best smartphone.

Samsung has been a leader in smartphone innovation, and the Galaxy Note 8 is at the apex of current technology, thanks to its Infinity Display, dual camera technology with OIS, S Pen capability, high-performing cellular signal strength, the best smartphone display ever, fast wireless charging, expandable microSD card slot, S Pen capability, and much more. Apple commonly takes technology that has been introduced by Android manufacturers and then provides a more cohesive experience for the masses.

With the Samsung Galaxy Note 8, Samsung has perfected its technology so that you can trust the device will perform as intended. Signal strength is one of the most important aspects of a business phone, and the Samsung beats Apple in this feature. The only new tech in the Galaxy Note 8 is the dual-camera setup -- and for this Samsung set the bar, with two cameras that have OIS and the ability to obtain different photos out of the data captured with a single shot.

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