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The new iPhone will be boring. Get over it

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There are three things certain in life: death, taxes and a "boring" new iPhone.


I geeked out big time when Steve Jobs announced the first iPhone.

It was Jan. 9, 2007, a Tuesday, and I raced into the Apple Store in Arlington, Virginia, where I worked, to gush over the news. A magical software keyboard! A stylus-free touchscreen! In a world of slow, clunky, button-laden phones with pens and scroll wheels, the iPhone appeared to come from the distant future.

Several of my co-workers huddled around an iMac, playing and replaying a video of Jobs effortlessly touching the iPhone's on-screen keyboard, the keys popping above his finger like a reverse typewriter. The response was a mix of awe and proud laughter. We'd never seen a mobile device do that before. 

We'd never seen anything like the iPhone.

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